The 2nd graffiti wave in Zwolle...

The Netherlands > Zwolle > Walls of Fame 1980 - 1993

The 2nd graffiti wave in Zwolle...

City Zwolle, Country The Netherlands

Zwolle graffiti history; Hooligan graffiti 1982-1985.
The second graffiti wave resulted from the hardcore P.E.C. Zwolle (Football club) fans. Out of the Oosterenk stadium supporters they made up tagnames linked to city's districts. There were: The dieze Dogz, Assendorp Skins, Kamperpoorter Knokploeg (knokploeg = thugs), Wipstrik Boys and the Vanda's North operating out of the Holtenbroek district. This gave graffiti a territorial character with the additional rivalry.