
Since the mid 80's I've been taking and collecting graffiti images in The Netherlands and abroad, all for the love of graffiti. Right now we have over 21000 (and counting) images from 55 countries and 51 cities. The intention of this mostly graffiti related site is to share this huge collection of pieces, burners, tags and sketches with like minded souls.

The Graffiti-Database features photos of work done by so far around about 6300 artists.

Due to my work in aviation I have the opportunity to take photo's in many different countries worldwide. Therefore lots and lots of new (and classic) photo's will appear on a very regular basis.

If possible we try to provide background information and the location of the pieces. If the exact location is unknown the center of the applicable city will be shown on Google Maps.

Our goal is to create the biggest and most extensive online graffiti archive.

If you want your piece(s) or photo's displayed they can be uploaded to: info@graffiti-database.com

We withhold the right to only publish the photo's we deem interesting without any further notice.

Pictures won't be removed unless you can provide us with a very good reason.

Also lots of pictures have reached us through photoswap, phototrade or have simply been given. Therefore it's impossible to trace all original photographers. Hereby a very BIG thumbs up to all of them! If you think you deserve and want credits please let us know so we can state your name.

Heaps of thanks to those who've contributed by means of sharing their information, knowledge, photo's, scans and support. But most of all we would like to thank all graffiti writers out there who make the world an even more interesting place.

Please note: We do not take any responsibility in any illegal activities performed based on the information on this site. In many places, painting graffiti is illegal. We don't have the intention to advocate breaking the law.
