The American Legion Thanks
The Netherlands > Heerlen > Unframed 2019

The American Legion Thanks
Arian Winterink (1971) lives and works in Brunssum. In his multitude of methods and techniques, the arts pose a challenge for Winterink, who is always on the lookout for the optimum realization of the chosen formal language and who is constantly acquiring new methods and techniques and transforming them in the service of his free work.
With courage, belonging to a former graffiti artist, Arian Winterink is a new kind of chronicler of our time. Wether it concerns the omnipresence of money or violence, Winterink observes, criticizes and records. Pop art, Street art, but also the old masters are sources of inspiration that he translates with speed and directness into the 21st century, in which humor also plays an important role. Arian Winterink does not shy away from research into new ways and processes in the form language of his work, which results in many interesting cross-verses in art disciplines.